
2015년 6월 9일 화요일

Is marriage necessary or not in today's society ?

Is marriage necessary or not in today's society?

This topic is going to be discussed with my friends on hangout this coming Thursday! The main purpose that I choose this topic as my final exam quadrathalon is to see how they think about 'leather spinster or bachelor'?

+The leather spinster means who think I'm a happily unmarried straight woman and proud of it. It was first used in the late 80s by sucessful American careerwomen who didn't feel the urge or need to add marriage and it's components to thir lives.

+Leather Spinkster Origins:

 I believe marriage is no longer necessary, especially today's society. As individualism develops, society becomes bleak and the more and more people want to enjoy their own life. So, many young men and women are postponing marriage. (There would be many different reasons why they're postponing marriage. I would like to discuss them with my friends.)

I think that is because.... of self-improvement.
                                        of getting a job.
                                        of saving money.
                                        they cannot find my life partner.

According to the data, the number of marriages in Korea keeps decreasing since it had peaked in 1984. In addition, most men and women seem to marry during the start of nearly their 30s.

It means women are having children later in life. Women 35 and order have more difficulty getting preganant and health baby. If we solve this problem, of course, we should encourage marriage at first. But we can discuss about the risk and measure of them, too.

+ I found a good expression.

Most experts would say there's no one right time to start a family. But there are both advantages and disadvantages to giving birth at different ages: In your 20s, you'll have more energy to run after and care for your child but fewer financial resources and less personal life experience on which to draw; in your late 30s and 40s you may be more established financially but have a tougher time getting and staying pregnant and, afterward, keeping up with an active baby and toddler.

+Korea's Low Birth Rate: Problem that May be Impossible to Fix :


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